Wednesday, August 15, 2012

St. Petersburg, Stroganov Palace, pse read my comment before looking at pictures

This batch of pictures was possible due to a special guided tour by the chief custodian of the palace and the invitation by my friend Paul Rodzianko (you see him gazing at his ancestor) who in fact is related to the late count Stroganov (by the way, the one who created the dish...). His wealth was considerable (mining) and he also sponsored Kazan Cathedral next door to his palace and had several other "datchas" which, however, are no longer existing but one, if I remember correctly. I am adding the Russian descriptions for the benefit of my Russian friends who might (or might not) be interested...

For those not capable of Russian: the comments describe the condition of the building after the revolution and some quite abusing and abusive usage by the communists. Thanks to God and sponsors like my friend who heads the "Friends of the Hermitage" in the USA it was possible to restore this jewel as close to its former glory as humanely possible. To the dismay of the chief custodian, however, most of the pictures that graced the walls of this palace are now to be admired in the Hermitage which is one reason why that collection is so immensely large and precious. Most of the other treasures of aristocratic ownership were "donated" to that institution which, fairly enough, states that on their labels if you walk through the Hermitage....

What impressed me particularly was the room with the mirrors. The size of those panes is immense and the originals were produced in Russia. The present ones had to be imported from Finland.... In fact, Count Stroganov appears to have a passion for mirrors, just like politicians of today when they are dealing with budgets... The overall restoration job is very impressive and amazing.... Sorry for bothering you with that many pictures but I was so impressed that I couldn't just choose a few. Best thing would be to come yourself and see and then you understand....

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