Sunday, August 19, 2012

Pictures from Lake Baikal, Ulan Ude and the drive to Kjakhtaa

The trip to Kjakhta took two days...

Itäs sometimes strange, what kind of truck one sees on the road....

...landscape before Ulan Ude...

...the Mongolian influence is visible...coins on the parking lot before the holy spot on the next picture

Ulan Ude....

The Opera House

The Opera House Vestibule...

The arch commemorating the tzar's visit....

The largest Lenin monument in the world....

...waiting for the bus....

... on the way to the border....

...the villages become cleaner and more 'Mongolian'....

The first Stupa...

The first Ger....

... and an old run down village with a Decembrists' museum....

.... and Kjakhta...

The hotel in front of which I stayed before going to the border...

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