Monday, July 23, 2012

From Moscow to Kazan (Part1)

Why Part 1? Simply because it's already 0030 and I'm just back from a most delightful dinner with Ildar Rakhmatullin and his charming and brilliantly English speaking daughter Asya with a lovely view over the Wolga towards old Kazan. I literally got 'highjacked' by the bank's driver when entering Kazan and he escorted me to our local headoffice where I parked my Datcha and will spend the night before going on a sight seeing trip tomorrow morning.

Well, this was yesterday and when I wanted to upload my internet went on strike. Reason was that the guys from my provider put in the wrong tariff and so all of a sudden they cut my access. But now, after some discussions again, and the payment of another 500 RBLs I now should have enough net till I leave. At least this time it didn't take 5 hrs to fix as it did in Moscow...

I am writing this from a hotel room in Ishevks (the town where Mr. Kalashnikow still lives, about 94 years old). Once in a while I do this although it's a mixed blessing. Yes, the shower is bigger and I don't have to take my shower sparingly to conserve water, but the downside is I have to 'pack' and, of course I always forget something down in the car... But as there are no camping places here with the infrastructure to e.g. service my toilet this is a good opportunity...

So let me step back what happened: I left Kazan this afternoon after an interesting (old) city tour. Kazan is older than Moscow (over 1000 years) and an example of how peaceful Moslems and Christians can live together were it not for the recent assassination of the Mufti and his assistant. There are suspicions that it might have been initiated by the Wahabites as the Moslems here are rather liberal..

So I left Moscow last Wednesday after lunches on Monday with our embassy's Nr 2 Dr. Gerschner and on Tuesday with Sergei Monin after which the 5 hr session at my provider followed whereby I was helped by Lera, Sergei's assistant.

I took the route via the Golden Ring which was again impressive due to the abundance of architecture, history, art etc. Eventually you'll see some of the pictures...For those of you interested in going to Moscow I'd recommend to rent a car and do in three days what I did in two... It is simply stunning what was assembled over the centuries. In Sergiev Posad there was apparently a gathering of the top brass of the Russ. Orth. Church with the respective police security...

Here a link for those of you interested:

Wladimir was a little disappointing so I quickly left and went on to Nishny Novgorod (in terrible rain).

But let me tell you about this tomorrow as again it is past 1am in the morning...
So I hope you'll forgive me as I also will try to upload a first batch of St. P pictures...

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